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Congratulations to the winners who ran the longest distance in their grade level during the Oct 19-30 Zombie Run Marathon this year!  


Kindergarten:  Ivy Zheng
Grade 1:  Anna and Aaron
Grade 2:  Waka Wei
Grade 3:  Adam Stooksbury
Grade 4:  Kohsuke Oku
Grade 5:  Ian Zheng
Grade 6:  Aeron Rico Z. Capito
Grade 7:  Aadvik Singh
Grade 8:  Lucas Hood
Grade 12:  Michael Manning
Parent:  Bill Kuglich

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-05 at 6.05.00 PM.

Aeron Rico Z. Capito

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-05 at 4.53.07 PM.

Kohsuke Oku

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